Our social problem which creates a negative perspective in today's 'foreigners' or 'visitors'. When we have bad mood due to one single person, we most probably make a sour face or show a bad behavior to others. No matter its about having a bad mood due to big or small family problems, fighting with a best friend, getting a bad comment from a stranger, negative compliments from people around you or what so ever.
You will always end up ruining up your precious moments in a day.
Why don't you just act cool and smile frequently so that your body releases endorphins which are good natural painkillers ? Life can be complicated if your mind set-up is all about stress and letting others to mind your business rather than minding their own.
When you post a photo in the social media be it Instagram, Facebook, or even write a post in your blog, should you expect people to be so kind-hearted and accept your opinions thus having a look at the photo positively ? I don't think so. So rather than getting upset and having a heartache for these kind of problems, just don't simply ruin your day. Have a positive thought that compared to that small number of negative people, there are many eagerly waiting for an update from you.
Problems. Allah creates problems in your life be it small or big to test you and HE loves you a lot because HE even provides solution for any problem you face. Accept every problem positively. Rather than getting nervous, anxious, worried, overstressed and tensed for problems, find the solution. Have some patience.
There are seven billion people in the world, so why are you letting one to ruin your day ? :)